A note about our values: As a group, we stand committed to promoting access and opportunity for all people, and we strive for a workplace that is anti-racist and anti-sexist. We will stand by our beliefs and through them work to shape a stronger academic and engineering community. Students from underrepresented backgrounds are enthusiastically encouraged to reach out about opportunities to get involved.
Lab Director

Daniel Drew
Title: Assistant Professor
Email: daniel dot drew at utah dot edu
Personal Site
Current Members

Luke Nelson
Title: ME Ph.D. Student
Email: charles.nelson@utah.edu

Samuel Bosch
Title: ECE Ph.D. Student
Email: samuel.bosch@utah.edu

Nicholas Schneider
Title: ECE Masters Student
Email: nicholas.schneider@utah.edu

Grant Nations
Title: Computer Science Undergraduate Student
Email: grant.nations@utah.edu
Personal Site: https://www.grantnations.io/

Nichols Crawford Taylor
Title: ECE, Applied Math, and Computer Science Undergraduate Student

Buzz L.
Title: ECE/ME Ph.D. Student

Mandy Bills
Title: ECE/ME Masters Student